1. It will help visitors to turn into paying customers.
2. Users develop a trust in your website provided after clicking on AdWords ads (and this may turn in to additional targeted leads for you).
3. In addition, it will help improve your landing page quality score. As a part of your keywords overall Quality Scores, a high landing page quality score can affect your AdWords account in three ways:
a. Decrease cost-per-click (CPC) of your keywords.
b. Increase your ads position on the content network.
c. Improve the chances that your placement-targeted ads will win a position on your targeted placements.
There are three main components of a quality website: i.) Relevant and Original content, ii.) Transparency and iii.) Navigability.
Relevant and Original Content
Relevance and originality are two factors to define high-quality site content. Here are some tips on how to create content that meets these standards:
Visitors should be easily able to find what your ad promises. Link to that page on your website that provides the most useful information about the product or service in your ad. For example, direct users to that page where they can buy the advertised product instead of page which has description of several products.
Unique content should be featured on your website which can’t be found on another website. This guideline is particularly applicable to dealers whose websites are identical or highly similar to other dealers or the parent company websites, and to affiliates that use the following types of pages:
Bridge pages: Ads for web pages that act as an intermediary, whose main purpose is to link or redirect traffic to the website of parent company.
Mirror pages: A mirror website is simply a copy of your parent website. It's usually your main page but it doesn't have to be. A mirror website looks exactly like the original website. Your site should not be mirror to your parent company's website or any other advertiser's website.
Provide essential information. If your ad does link to a page consisting mostly of ads or general search results (such as a directory or catalog page) provide additional unique content or information on your landing page. It's especially important to feature original content due to the fact that AdWords won't show multiple ads directing to identical or similar landing pages at the same time.
In order to build trust in the eyes of visitor, the website would clearly be in three main areas: the nature of your business; how your website interacts with a user computer; and how you plan to use a visitor's personal information, if you request it. Here are tips on maximizing transparency of your website:
Your business information:
There are three main components of a quality website: i.) Relevant and Original content, ii.) Transparency and iii.) Navigability.
Relevant and Original Content
Relevance and originality are two factors to define high-quality site content. Here are some tips on how to create content that meets these standards:
Visitors should be easily able to find what your ad promises. Link to that page on your website that provides the most useful information about the product or service in your ad. For example, direct users to that page where they can buy the advertised product instead of page which has description of several products.
Unique content should be featured on your website which can’t be found on another website. This guideline is particularly applicable to dealers whose websites are identical or highly similar to other dealers or the parent company websites, and to affiliates that use the following types of pages:
Bridge pages: Ads for web pages that act as an intermediary, whose main purpose is to link or redirect traffic to the website of parent company.
Mirror pages: A mirror website is simply a copy of your parent website. It's usually your main page but it doesn't have to be. A mirror website looks exactly like the original website. Your site should not be mirror to your parent company's website or any other advertiser's website.
Provide essential information. If your ad does link to a page consisting mostly of ads or general search results (such as a directory or catalog page) provide additional unique content or information on your landing page. It's especially important to feature original content due to the fact that AdWords won't show multiple ads directing to identical or similar landing pages at the same time.
In order to build trust in the eyes of visitor, the website would clearly be in three main areas: the nature of your business; how your website interacts with a user computer; and how you plan to use a visitor's personal information, if you request it. Here are tips on maximizing transparency of your website:
Your business information:
• Company share information openly about their business. Clearly define what your business is or does.
• Honor the deals and offers you promote in your ad.
• Provide products and services as promised
• Only charge users for the products and services that they order and successfully receive.
• Distinguish sponsored links from the rest of your website content.
Your site's interaction with user computer:
Avoid user browser behavior change or settings without first getting their permission. If your website automatically installs software, be upfront about the installation and allow easy removal. See Google’s Software Principles for more guidelines.
Visitor’s personal information:
Unless it is necessary for the product or service you offer, do not ask for personal information. If you are requesting personal information, provide a privacy policy that discloses how the information will be used. Give options to limit the use of personal information to a user itself, such as the ability to choose out of receiving newsletters. Allow users to access content on your website without requiring them to register. Or give an example of what users will get by registering.
It is the key to turning visitors into customers is making it easy for users to find what they seek. Here's how:
Your site's interaction with user computer:
Avoid user browser behavior change or settings without first getting their permission. If your website automatically installs software, be upfront about the installation and allow easy removal. See Google’s Software Principles for more guidelines.
Visitor’s personal information:
Unless it is necessary for the product or service you offer, do not ask for personal information. If you are requesting personal information, provide a privacy policy that discloses how the information will be used. Give options to limit the use of personal information to a user itself, such as the ability to choose out of receiving newsletters. Allow users to access content on your website without requiring them to register. Or give an example of what users will get by registering.
It is the key to turning visitors into customers is making it easy for users to find what they seek. Here's how:
• Provide a short and easy way for users to purchase or receive the product or offer in your ad.
• Avoid excessive use of pop-ups, pop-unders, and other obtrusive elements throughout your website.
• Make sure that your page loads quickly. Learn ways to improve your load time.
For more information you can also visit http://adwords.google.com/support/aw/bin/static.py?hl=en&guide=28439&topic=28440&page=guide.cs&answer=46675&from=47166&rd=1
Don’t forget to check Google's Webmaster Guidelines for more recommendations, which will improve your site's performance in Google's search results as well.
Ecommerce module
Great sharing.It is very informative.Great thoughts.I really appreciate it.Thank u.
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